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'The Mirror of Galadriel' Chapter 7

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'The sun was sinking behind the mountains, and the shadows were deepening in the woods, when they went on again...'

We continue in the beautiful and magical land of Lothlorien. The party is at peace, all sense of fear or urgency is gone. The magic of the land fills their senses with rest and relaxation. The 'stillness' of this land only deepens and causes more and more fantastical effects on the party.

In a brainstorm with Tehanu I came up with this great scene in Lothlorien. The scene would have the two young Hobbits enjoying their travels through this wonderful land and are walking through some flowers. Pippin would pick one, and blow at the pedals, they would flutter off the flower in super slow motion and sail through the air very slow, slow enough for the camera, following Merry's movements, would be able to walk in a circle around them. This effect could only be created using 'bullet time' technology, IE 'The Matrix' ask AmyD, our SFX specialist about it)

The party arrives at the large tree with the white ladder; Haldir would tell the party that Frodo and Legolas should be first to visit Celeborn and Galadriel. The two of them would climb the tree and enter the main talan, it would be filled with soft light and the color scheme would be mainly brown, green and gold. Filled with rows of seats and cushions, I see a major Indian influence in the Lothlorien scenes, with many silk walls and pillows.

Celeborn and Galadriel would be seated; side by site (Celeborn on the left, Galadriel on the right) they would stand to meet the Hobbit and Elf. Frodo would look very worn with travel, but Legolas would look as magical and pure as Celeborn and Galadriel themselves.

Celeborn, many have asked you who will play the Elf, I've no idea, yet my choice for the role would be Jude Law (The Talented Mr. Ripley). Law has the slender figure and great acting ability to play him, and sit him next to Cate Blanchett and you've got a royal king and queen! So as far as I'm concerned and until the casting is confirmed, you can consider Jude Law as Celeborn :) (this s only my dream :) )

The voices of these Elves should be as magical and rhythmic as Lothlorien itself. I don't want to hear any special effect done to them, just the way they should talk should be in a sort of noble, dreamy type of voice, as if from another time.

The rest of the party would be allowed up, all focus would for now be on the party and Celeborn. He would ask where the ninth member of their party was. Suddenly the beautiful and majestic voice of Galadriel would get their attention, all save Celeborn, would look at her in wonder, Celeborn would remain looking at the party, with great pleasure in his eyes, at seeing their faces.

Nay, there was no change of counsel, Gandalf the
grey set out with this company, but did not pass
the borders of this land.

Aragorn would then go on to explain the fate of Gandalf. A sadness would then fall again on the party. Galadriel looks over the entire party, Sam is forced to look away from her, instead focusing on his feet below him.

Galadriel needs to stand out among these magical elves of this land, she is their Queen, yet she is so much more. She needs to have this ethereal feel to her, I strongly suggest not giving her some for of SFX glow or anything, more along the lines of lighting and acting. Cate Blanchett must convey a sense of royalty, yet sadness and a regal sense of 'all knowing', which isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.

The party stays in Lorien for some time, yet the stars in the sky, and the seasons do not change in that magical land. I don't know how Jackson will convey a sense of the passage of time, I would perhaps have the moon phases pass from full to half and then quarter, perhaps we would have Aragorn looking to the south and seeing the dark clouds and evil growing larger and larger. Who knows, I'm hoping for anything but a neat little 2 minute montage of the party doing various things with the music in the background, that seems to cliche and easy. It also makes the party look incredibly irresponsible, in the face of all the dangers that lie ahead, to be frolicking in the woods in Lorien.

One night, while Frodo and Sam are trying to sleep, Galadriel comes to them, and bids them to follow her, she takes them to the fountain upon the hill, and it's ringed with trees, yet open as if it were a clearing. A small stream flows past them, the night sky is filled with stars. I see this long shot with Galadriel, Frodo and Sam by the fountain, they take up 1/4 of the screen on the bottom, the rest is filled with trees and the night sky filled with stars, a couple of shooting stars pass before their eyes.

The only light comes from the moon. The fountain itself is silver, with artistic designs and ancient writing upon it. Galadriel takes water from the stream and fills the basin of the fountain.

Here is the mirror of Galadriel, many things I can
command it to reveal, and some things that people
desire to see

Frodo does not move, in awe at the light reflecting off the water. Galadriel turns to ask Sam who, trembling, decides to take a look

I'd like a glimpse of home if you don't mind, It seems
like an awful long time since I've been there
Come, you shall look and see what you may, but do
not touch the water!

As Sam steps up to look inside the basin, the light reflecting the water hits his face. He seems to stare into it for a time. Suddenly, as the camera slowly pans closer into his face, his eyes grow wide and he screams out loud, jumps down from the fountain and begins to run off, Frodo stops him and asks him what he sees. Sam describes the horror of seeing the Shire full of bricks and fire and evil. His eyes fill with fear and rage as he describes Ted Sandyman cutting down trees and the like. This is a nice little scene for Astin to chew into (think about your dead dog or something Astin!). I also think it is important to not show what Sam sees, what's more terrifying; seeing the evilness before your eyes? Or seeing it in your minds eye? Your mind can certainly make it much worse than anything you are shown on screen, it's an odd thing, the mind.

However, when we Frodo decides to take a look. We need to see the evil eye reaching for him. Burning right into the young Hobbit, in a desperate search for HIS ring. Frodo would be engulfed in flames and right in the center of this gigantic eye, made of flames, pure hell.

He would stumble and Galadriel would warn him to not touch the water, his vision would fade of the great eye, and slowly fade to a reflection of his own eye in the water (a small foreshadowing, and proof of his own inner fear of becoming evil). He would back away from the basin, Galadriel would tell him of the Dark Lord and how she feels his mind trying to enter hers (all of her best lines are delivered here).

Frodo would then offer her the ring, saying that she is wondrous and powerful enough to keep in from the dark lord. With great hesitation she declines, giving yet another great monologue on how powerful she could become with that ring, Blanchetts time to shine, looking at the same time beautiful and deadly. She tells them that in the morning they must depart this land, and continue their quest.

Next Chapter
Farewell to Lorien Chap 8

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