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'The Bridge of Khazad-dum' Chapter 5

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We are still at Balin's Tomb, the white slab of rock with the ancient writing. The party seems to forget all dangers and mourn the loss of Balin, not the least of who is Gimli; the dwarf takes the news hard, with a grave, weathered face. He'd have the 'I feared as such' face. The party would simply remain standing there, not sure how to proceed. Gandalf would do some more digging and uncover the logbook. He'd carefully pour over its contents. And begin to read from the book.

You know what were the most classic scenes in Star Trek? All incarnations, and a few films have copied it, it's the scenes when the crew would pick up a distress signal, and were only able to hear bits and pieces. I've seen it in the classic show, as well as a few TNG episodes, and most recently on 'First Contact'. All you hear is:

----need help--------eavy casualties------useless-----assistance---dying---immediately!--ahh!!!

And the transmission cuts out. I love that feeling of being absolutely helpless and only being able to stand by. That's what I want the party to feel (the viewers as well) when Gandalf begins to read from the book.


'We drove the Orcs from the great gate and
the guard' the text is broken and unreadable
at parts...I think I can read 'sun' yes, 'we
slew many in the sun'...now there
is something about 'The Chamber of Mazarbul'...

As the Wizard continues reading, relaying the events that unfolded during the final days of Balins occupation of Moria. The camera would pan across the group, all listening intently. Gandalf tells of the fall of Balin and his death. It's that feeling of hopelessness that comes across during this scene.

Gandalf finishes reading what he can. A sullen silence falls on the group, the last passage Gandalf reads tells of the very rooms that they are standing in, with it's metal door on one side and another door on the far side of the room. Gandalf urges them to move on, they prepare to go when a large, resonating BOOM

fills the room, Gandalf and Aragorn jump up in surprise, another BOOM, and then another. Suddenly horn blast fills the air, the hobbits look about them in fear, Legolas prepares his quiver and arrows. Block that door! Gandalf cries, the two men throw anything they can get at the door to keep it closed. Gandalf, rushing past the rest with a great Whoosh! Of his robes, he'd open the far door with a loud bang, and tell everyone to stand by it. There may be a way out yet, he tells them. Rushing feet can be heard, many many orcs are amassing beyond the metal door. The Orcs begin to batter the door down, piece by piece many many Orc arms dismantle the door. Legolas let's loose some arrows. Gimli lobs off a couple of hands. The Orcs finally disintegrate the door, and burst through. An Orc staff catches Frodo square in the chest and he falls to the ground, seemingly dead. Aragorn picks him up and they rush down the stairs of the far door. Gimli urges the wizard to follow. As the last of the fellowship make their way through the door, Gandalf turns to face the rushing Orcs, with a blast of light and a powerful BOOM he slumps his way down the stairs, they run off into the darkness.

I'd like to see as little discussion here as possible, the score would be running high, and the scense of fear and dread would be very apparent, the running in the night, with fast cuts and quick pans. It would end with the party at the doorway to the last cavernous hallway with the narrow bridge; they'd stop to catch their breath. This is where Gandalf would tell them that they are close to the outer door, and that they must run.

The bridge would be slender arching bridge made from stone; it would have no border or railings, a very dangerous and ancient thing. The cavern it is in itself is nothing more that a huge hall, with some relics and fossils from an ancient time, when it was beautiful. The entire cavern would be a deep rusty red color, due to the fiery light below. The far side of the hall is much shorter in length, and there would be large, wide circular stairs, leading to another doorway, that doorway has very faint light shining through, daylight.

The party would race towards the bridge, knowing full well the pursuing orcs and trolls on their tail. Gandalf would be in the lead, followed by Frodo and the rest, when they cross I'd have this high crane shot, with the party in view as very small specks. The camera would do a circular pan from left to right, and as the last person steps off the bridge, there would be a tremendous crash, followed by falling rock and stone, and accompanied by a mighty roar.

We'd see the shot as if we were halfway on the bridge, looking from the direction away from our heroes (towards inner Moria). There would at first be smoke and falling rubble, fire and flashes of light, the smoke billows and rolls upwards, starting to reveal a large shadow of a huge creature.

Medium close up of Gandalf spinning around, the camera tightens up on his face, in shocked horror at what he sees.

Back to the monster, it lurches towards the bridge, coming out of the smoke and shadow, a huge Balrog, with tough leathery skin, large menacing eyes, long hair like snakes and in one hand, a sword made of red fire, and the other, a whip. It's nostrils breathing fire.

Gandalf would say, mostly to himself:

(whispering, short of breath)

A Balrog, Durin's Bane, now I understand

Another view of the menacing creature, it moves incredibly fast for a thing of its size, it heads for the bridge. Gandalf tells the party to head for the outside and rushes to meet the monster, Frodo protests, but Aragorn holds him back. Boromir raises his horn and lets out a large blast, the Orcs, massing behind the Balrog, turn and run in fear.

The next shot would be from the middle of the bridge again, facing Gandalf, the camera would be on a crane, and would be looking down at Gandalf, as he makes his way onto the bridge, the camera would lower, and meet Gandalf on a medium shot.


You cannot pass! (beat) I am the servant of the
Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor.
You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail
you, flame of Undun, go back to the shadow, you cannot

The Balrog would stop, suddenly his scaily skin would seem to ripple, and grow dark, he would take a deep breath, and unfurl is massive wings. The wings would spread from one end of the hall to the other, they would be horn tipped, with ragged edges, and the flames from his nose would blow even harder.

In a flash of lights and movement, the Balrog would lash out at the wizard, he would answer with his sword, the two weapons would slam together and create sparks and a ringing sound that crumbles stone. Gandalf would appear to falter under the weight of the mighty creature, and Aragorn and Boromir rush to get to Gandalf side, but before they could, and as the monster is about to attempt a lash from his whip. Gandalf would be heard screaming an incantation, and slam his staff into the bridge, knocking everyone off their feet, the bridge would crack and fall under the weight of the Balrog, and as he falls he'd wrap his mighty whip around the wizards feet, dragging him down. Frodo stands, screams, and runs to the bridge, just in time to see the wizard let go of the bridge, and fall to into the fiery depths below.

The hall would grow darker, and Aragorn, rushing to his feet, would usher the party into the outer door. He'd have to physically drag Frodo away from the bridge, dodging the Orc arrows whistling by, and the drum beats that are getting louder and louder.

The party would stumble their way into the sunlight, shading their eyes, and would just barley make it out alive. Frodo's face is full of tears.

Next Chapter
Lothlorien Chap 6

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