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Thanks to Mia for the story board images. |
'Next day Frodo woke early, feeling refreshed and well. He
walked along the terraces above the loud-flowing Bruinen and watched the pale,
cool sun rise above the far mountains, and shine down, slanting through the thin
silver mist; the dew upon the yellow leaves was glimmering, and the woven nets
of gossamer twinkled on every bush. Sam walked beside him, saying nothing, but
sniffing the air, and looking every now and again with wonder in his eyes at the
great heights in the East. White snow was upon their peaks....'
Did you ever read a description so in depth or beautiful? This is exactly
how I'd have the beautiful scene. Early morning, fog is low on the land, the score
would be something longing and sorrowful, very light on music (the type of flutes
used on Titanic). Frodo and Sam walking in the terraces of Elronds house, fog is
blowing out of their mouths as they breathe, they stare out at the misty mountains
and even look at each other, no words spoken. They meet up with Pippin and Merry
further down the terrace, they are all in solemn moods, almost knowing the task that
is to be put to them, the council bell rings, the council is about to start...
Yeah that'd be great. Now for one of the most anticipated scenes in this film
(for me anyway) the meeting of the Council. I'd have this camera on a large crane,
we see the council with Elrond at the head, the table is a long rectangular white
table. The camera moves down and in towards Elrond for a close up (almost as if
it were on the table itself).
This scene again must have an Arthurian feel to it, the meeting of the Knights
of the Round Table, Elves, Men, Dwarves, Hobbits, and more. It must be noble and
official feeling. Elrond begins:
(Referring to Frodo)
Here, my friends is the Hobbit, Frodo
son of Drogo. Few have ever come
hither through greater peril or on an errand more
This is a PINNACLE phrase! And should have deep impact, due to the lack of
dialogue from the earlier scene. Frodo must seem very scared and tiny amongst all
these people. We really must see in his eyes the urge to go home! Gandlaf
then rises and introduces Boromir, the man from the South (played by Sean Bean).
He's well worn and very dark and mysterious. Also at the council were Gloin, Gimli,
Glorfindel, Erestor, Galdor the Elf, Legolas, Thranduil, Strider and Bilbo. These
characters have much to say in this scene, so I feel no need for Elrond to have
some sort of 'Frodo this is Gloin, and this is Legolas, and this is....' that's
the type of shash that ruins so many good book to movie adaptations. There is a
sure-fire way to overcome this problem, let's say for example Legolas (Orlando Bloom)
were to speak, he says
Alas these are bad tidings!'
Or something, we could then have Gandalf say
Legolas, you speak ill will towards the council?
I have never heard the elves is such disharmony
This is an example folks, but do you understand what I mean? If they can doctor
this scene, and there is plenty of dialogue to cut and paste, they can introduce the
characters, tell the long stories in this scene, and make it all make sense, I have
much respect and pity for these guys, this scene alone would finish me off!
So what are the main stories here? Boromirs story of his dream, strife in the south
and his travels to Rivendell. Gandalf's travels and imprisonment by Saruman. So where
do we start and how do we proceed? This I think I'll need my OWN council to decide.
I think flashbacks are the way to go here, but there are two types. Let's use one
of my favorite movies as an example 'The Usual suspects'. Basically the entire story
is a flashback, seen from Kevin Spacey's point of view, this type of flashback totally
immerses you into the story, there is dialogue in the flashback and a few bits of
narration, but basically you are immersed in the flashback.
The other type is simply a flashback of images with a narrator's voice constantly
running over it. The scene in which Kevin Spacey's character talks about 'Keyser
Sose', the story where Kyser kills his whole family. Do you remember that scene?
There is a flash of images, with Kevin Spacey talking over them.
Now, when Boromir or Gandalf begin to tell their tales I don't think we need a
flash of images per se, more of a collage, simply images of the Riders threatening
the Men and Gandalf meeting Radagast, with their respective voices telling the
Where I would then change the flashback to the type where we are immersed into
the story would be Gandalf's meeting with Saruman. This is a great time for
Christopher Lee (Saruman) to shine as the evil man he is, When I think of The white
and the grey wizards talking at Saruman's castle I cannot help but be thrown the
image of Darth Vader and The Emperor from 'Return of the Jedi'. The fist scene where
they are walking side by side, talking together. That's what I see the two wizards
doing. Gandalf, to pro-occupied with his own problems to realize the change in Saruman
before it's too late, walking side by side. I'd have Gandalf on the left and Saruman
on the right. The camera is positioned on Saruman's right, and they are walking from
left to right (filmmakers usually have people walking from left to right in most
scenes, it's been proven to be easier on the eye, check it out in ANY film!) Gandalf
tells Saruman all and then Saruman reveals himself to Gandalf. I don't think these
needs to be a grandiose thing, because Saruman is a sad man who is not in control
but is in fact being controlled.
None the less Gandalf is captured. The tale should then revert back to Gandalf
sitting at the council chamber, saying a few choice lines of regret about Saruman,
and looking sad and rejected in the way I know Ian McKellen can do it!
He would then finish the tale with a few choice images of himself getting rescued
and then his getting back to Rivendell. Where his tale would end and a long sullen
silence would fall over the council. I know the next 1/4 of this chapter is spent
on finding ways to destroy the ring. And many names, places and ideas are thrown
about. But I'd like the mighty Elrond to take more of a role in 'my' film.
Elrond would declare that the only way to destroy the Ring is to throw it in
the burning fire at the Cracks of Doom. But who will take on the task of seeking
the fiery mountain and destroying the Ring?
Bilbo finally stands and grudgingly (though not really) he decides to take on
the task. Elrond and Gandalf say no, that the ring is no longer his and it is no
longer his responsibility. Finally Frodo stands and gives us another bit of
I will take the ring, though I do not know the way.
Another PINNACLE line! The council agrees, save Boromir, who thinks they should
use the Ring to defeat Saruman. But he changes his mind and the council continues.
Elrond declares that his Hobbit friends shall go with him, because Hobbits in
numbers can be more formidable than they look (yes, I know I changed it).
It is also decided that Strider, Boromir, Gimli and Legolas also go. Because it
is important that all the races should have their say in how to destroy the ring.
Gandalf volunteers to be 9th member of the team.
And so the Fellowship of the Ring is formed.