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'A Short Cut To Mushrooms' Chapter 4

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'In the morning Frodo woke refreshed.....'

This chapter has two remarkable scenes in them. And I'll tell you the second one first because the first one gets me so excited!

The scene in which Farmer Maggot drives the Hobbits to the ferry and they hear horse hooves very close to them. But they cannot see a thing, then suddenly a dark and shadowy creature appears in the dim light. I love that! You can really hold the audience with a scene like that. 'Who is that?', 'Is that one of those Dark guys?' oh man! PJ you better add this scene! And best of all it turns out to be Merry, I love this:

'As he came out of the mist and their fear suddenly subsided, he seemed suddenly do diminish to ordinary hobbit-size'

That is great! You can really use some simple trick photography to make Merry seem big in the distance, and suddenly look 'normal' when he breaks through the mist.

Frodo and Farmer Maggot

The other scene I love (and I mean love!) is when Maggot tells the Hobbits of his encounter with one of the Dark Riders. Instead of having that scene a flashback, why not make the Hobbits be already in Maggot's house? Frodo insists on them leaving right away, Maggot tells him to stay for dinner, and promises to drive the company to the ferry later, and Frodo (like a good Hobbit) accepts.

Suddenly Maggots' dogs begin to bark and cry. Maggot rushes outside (for fear of another trespasser) and sees the Rider coming up the lane.

Wouldn't these guys be SOO much cooler with some sort of odious music whenever they came around (like Terminator?) so with the creepy music, the rider makes his way up to Maggot. The dogs come rushing out (and promptly turn around and start to cry):

Maggot (angry, you know how Hobbits hate strangers)

Good-day to you! this lane don't lead anywhere, the quickest way out is back up the road!

Now, I'd love for these guys to talk in this deep, whisper, almost like it's hard for them to speak (like the great Evil, on The 5th Element) I'd want this other worldly type of voice, almost like it's coming from nowhere and everywhere.


Have you seen Baggins?

Oh man! I would love him to say that name like it was bile in his mouth, as if it hurts him to say it. I'd love a slight hsssss at the end of his speech.

Maggot would tell him to push off, the Rider would leave. Frodo and all would be safe, they'd have a quick dinner and head for the ferry.

Next Chapter: A Conspiracy Unmasked

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A Conspiracy Unmasked Chap 5

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