Gollum's Riddle Challenge 2000
The Riddles
Official Rules | The Prizes | The Riddles | The Winners

View the list of winners here.

Read First

Before jumping to the riddles to battle wits with Gollum, please take time to carefully read the rules. When you do get to the riddles, please take time to carefully read each one before answering, as they are tricky! All answers must be in the correct order, and please, only serious contestants should submit answers.

  1. All answers must be submitted in one mailing (and only to gamgee@theonering.net).
  2. Each riddle may be answered one time only, any multiple guesses will be considered incorrect.
  3. Answers must be submitted in numerical order according to the riddles.
  4. No staff members of TheOneRing.net or their immediate family members may enter.
  5. Winners: The first three people to get all 10 answers correct according to contest rules will be declared the winners. Entries will be marked in order of their receipt.

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