Barliman Connection Instructions
PC TORnIRC Instructions [ printable version]
![Printable Version](http://img-www.theonering.net/images/printable.gif)
Note: These directions are for TORnIRC v6.02 using a PC.
Suggestion: You may want to print these directions before getting
mIRC, this will allow you to close up all of your other pages & programs
for a clean installation after you download.
- If you saved the program to your hard disk, find and open up the folder where the file
TornIRC602.exe was downloaded to.
- Run the program Select 'Install mIRC' and follow the directions.
- By default TORnIRC will install to the C:\TornIRC directory. This is good enough for most people.
Configuring TORn IRC
- Launch mIRC by running the file called
mirc.exe (perhaps shown as just mirc on your computer) from within the c:\TornIRC directory (or wherever you installed TornIRC). There should be a blue, red and yellow "mIRC" icon associated with it.
- NB: You may see a similar file, called "mlnk32". Do not click on this file. That is not the file you want.
- Close the greeting screen, if one appears.
- A small box called mIRC Options should be present within the main application window - into this you fill your details.
- Enter a name -- Example: Demos
- Enter an email address -- a hotmail/yahoo address is fine
- Enter a nickname -- Some nickname. Example: Demosthenes
- Enter an alternative nick -- Some other alternative that you like
- Leave everything else alone.
- Click on the Connect to Server button.
- After a heap of stuff scrolling down your "Status" window (this may either
take a few seconds or up to a minute, so please be patient) another box
will pop up. You should then be connected to irc.theonering.net - TheOneRing.net's IRC server.
- After you connect to the server, a window will pop up called mIRC Channels Folder.
- Double-click on the #theonering.net entry in the menu.
- If the Channels Folder window doesn't come up, at the bottom of your mIRC window
you should have a message field for typing your messages.
- Click on the message bar and type in this: /join #theonering.net.
- Both the "/" and the "#" are necessary and are not a mistake. Type everything as it is within the double quotes.
- Hit enter/return on your keyboard and you should be in!
- You will then join a channel and another window will pop up inside the program.
It is likely that this window will be quite small.
Double click on the blue bar at the top of this window to enlarge it.
- N.B. The blue bar is right at the very top of the window.
Don't confuse it with the blue bar at the very top of the program.
you can identify this blue bar from the others because it says
"#theonering.net" on it.