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New Line Teaser Trailer 01
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Here we see the One Ring in two different sizes at the same time. This may be done to convey it's ability to shrink and grow to fit the wearer.

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Cool lighting effect on the ring in Frodo's hand.

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In this picture we see that through Frodo and The One Ring, the fate of the war will be decided. The War of the Ring.

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Here we see the same army shot from the internet teaser. Spruced up quite a bit for this trailer, but still using generic knight characters and still far from finished. It has been suggested that Frodo and Sam are overlooking the army from the ledge in the lower left.

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Though the actual movie shot will be drastically different, this image shows the faceless armies of the Dark Lord as they carry Sauron's lidless eye banner.

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This is the same scene we saw in the internet preview trailer. It shows Aragorn throwing a burning branch while defending the hobbits at Weathertop.

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A continued view of Aragorn throwing the flaming branch. We are probably looking from the point of view of a Nazgul. Check out this official image showing a burning Nazgul. [Burning Nazgul]

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Frodo examines what appears to be a plain ring, soon the writing will be revealed from the heat of the fire. The yellow glow in the background is most likely the fireplace. The official site has released an image of Gandalf in Bagend which might also be during this scene. [Gandalf Sitting]

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