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"...but even as they looked, the shadows of night melted, the colours of the waking earth returned: green flowed over the wide meads of Rohan; the white mists shimmered in the water-vales; and far off to the left, thirty leagues or more, blue and purple stood the White Mountains, rising into peaks of jet, tipped with glimmering snows, flushed with the rose of morning."

"So ended the Emyn Muil, and the green plains of the Rohirrim stretched away before them to the edge of sight."

"At the bottom they came with a strange suddenness on the grass of Rohan. It swelled like a green sea up to the very foot of the Emyn Muil. The falling stream vanished into a deep growth of cresses and water-plants, and they could hear it tinkling away in green tunnels, down long gentle slopes towards the fens of Entwash Vale far away."

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Rohan below the White Mountains
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A view of the Southern Alps. The colour of the grass should change according to the time of year, it wasn't green when this was taken.
Imagine this as the approach from Rohan to the vale of Nan Curunir - taken from one of the braided rivers approaching the Souther Alps.
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Dimly through the mists they could descry the long arm of the mountains rising on their left...That was a sheltered valley, open only to the South....It was a sad country, silent now but for the stony noise of quick waters. Smokes and steams drifted in sullen clouds and lurked in the hollows.
Approaching Helm's Deep. (Central Otago, The Alps?)
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Still some miles away...lay a green coomb, a great bay in the mountains, out of which a gorge opened in the hills...Ever steeper and narrower it wound inward from the north under the shadow of the Thrihyrne...
This could be Rohan on the borders of Fangorn
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