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How are these movies expected to perform at the box office?
What abour merchandising?
What are the plans for the DVD release of the trilogy?
Will the Tom Bombadil scenes be on the DVD?
Will a book with a compilation of concept art be produced?
Any word at this point on how the movies will perform at the box office
is pure speculation, but it is clear that New Lines hopes are high for
the trilogy. Given all of the factors involved, including the proven talent
of the cast and crew, the incredible special effects work, and the success
and beloved status of the source material, it is difficult to imagine how the
trilogy could end up not being a major hit. Fan expectations alone are already
running high, and there is no doubt that many people will flock to see the
films during the first couple of weeks of their run. How they fare at the box
office after that point, especially with moviegoers who are not familiar with
or interested in the works of Tolkien, will be based largely on critical
reception and word-of-mouth. Expect a promotional blitz from New Line, and if
the movies turn out to be as good as they potentially can be, its entirely
possible that The Lord of the Rings trilogy could end up being ranked
among the most financially successful movies of all time.
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Toy Biz, the toy manufacturing division of Marvel Enterprises, now owns the world licensing rights to products based on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, including action figures, dolls, remote controlled toys, and watches. These products will be available on the market at the time of the release of the first film. Other companies, including restaurant chains, are expected to jump in to get their piece of the Tolkien pie, and it's a safe bet that you can expect a flood of Tolkien-related items, toys, value meals, and collectibles on the market to tie in with
the release of the movies. Of course, an even larger quantity of such items
will be released if the films are as wildly successful as they very well could
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According to sources, the DVDs will feature interviews with the cast and
crew, a "Making of" documentary, behind the scenes footage, and possibly out-takes.
Also included will be the original 36-minute documentary that Jackson used to persuade
New Line to invest in the film trilogy, which includes design sketches, CGI tests,
location models, creature concept art, and test shots of Helm's Deep battles. It is
likely that theatrical trailers and other standard DVD extras will be included as well.
There is no information at this point regarding release dates for the DVDs, or whether
they will be released individually or as a boxed set. If demand for the DVDs runs high
enough, we will probably see individual DVD releases of each film, as well as a boxed
set of the trilogy once all three films have completed their theatrical runs.
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Rumors have circulated regarding additional scenes being filmed and
subsequently released on the DVD version, but there has been no official confirmation yet.
The added expense of casting an additional actor for the part of Tom Bombadil and filming
extra scenes may not be seen as a profitable enterprise by the production company.
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Its very likely, since the marketers of the film trilogy seem
poised to push the promotional tie-ins as far as possible. Expect to see merchandising
of every kind once the movies hit theaters.
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