Aliases: White Lady of Rohan, Dernhelm
Date of Birth: TA 2995
Race: Lady of Rohan
Height: unknown , but described as tall
Date of Death: FO (???)
Alignment: Good
Parents: Eomund, Theodwyn
Spouse: Faramir
Date of Marriage: 3019 TA
Children: Elboron
Physical description: Tall and fair. Graceful. Blonde hair and light skin.
Biography: Near the time of the War of the Ring,
Eowyn met Aragorn, and instantly fell in love with him. When she learned that
he planned to ride the Paths of the Dead, she despaired, and soon feared him
dead. In the disguise of a man named Dernhelm, she left Rohan, and rode to
Gondor with the king's forces, sneaking Merry along at her side. Eowyn won
great renown, with the aid of Merry, by slaying the Witch-King and his fell
steed. During the slaying of the Witch-King, Eowyn sustained a near deadly
injury, and was also hurt by the black breath. During her stay in the Houses
of the Healing in Gondor, she met Faramir, and while recovering, fell in love
with him. After the War of the Ring, Eowyn and Faramir were married, and she
became the White Lady of Ithilien.