
Aliases: none
Date of Birth: FA
Race: Half-Elven
Height: 6 feet?
Date of Death: N/A
Alignment: Good
Parents: Earendil and Elwing
Spouse: Celebrian
Date of Marriage: TA 100
Children: Arwen Undomiel, Elledan, Elrohir
Physical description: Tall, lean in stature. Dark hair and grey eyes.
Biography: Elrond was born in Arvernien. There he stayed until
captured by the sons of Feanor in their attempt to recover the Silmaril. At the
end of the first age it came time for Elrond to choose his race. He chose
Elven-kind, and was bestowed upon him great wisdom and power of perception.
Elrond dwelt in Lindon with Gil-Galad until he was sent to Eregion to help
the defense against Sauron in SA 1695. Elrond fled at the fall of Eregion
and founded Imladris (Rivendell). In TA 100, he married Celebrian, daughter
of Celeborn and Galadriel. Elrond wore the ring Vilya, one of the 3 elven
rings of power. He sailed over the sea with Gandalf and Frodo.
