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Ian Mune
Ian Mune

Full Name: Ian Mune
Birthdate: 1941
Birthplace: Auckland, NZ
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Blue
Height: unknown
Spouse: unknown
Children: unknown

Biography: Ian Mune, the director and co-writer of Came a Hot Friday, a spirited adaptation of a novel by the late Ronald Hugh Morrieson (an author much cherished in quarters of his native New Zealand), knows what he is about. Born in Auckland in 1941, he has been variously an actor, dramatist, mask-maker (for the Welsh Theatre Company), scriptwriter and director. He has made documentaries and health-education shorts, and among his script credits are the feature Sleeping Dogs (by his long-time partner Roger Donaldson), and the 1978 children's TV adventure The Mad Dog Gang Meets Rotten Fred and Ratsguts.

source: New Zealand Film Society

Ian Mune
Movie Notes

Cast in the role of Bounder


Coming Soon

Movie Images

FotR - Bounder facing Ringwraiths

Past Roles

Director What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? (1999)
"Menus Maxius""Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" (1995)(episode # 1.10)
Judge Once Were Warriors (1994)
Reverend Piano, The (1993)
"Wilbur Skeggins" "Shortland Street" (1992)
Director End of the Golden Weather, The (1991)
Director Bridge to Nowhere (1986)
"Garrett" "Ray Bradbury Theatre, The" (1985)(episode # 4.5)
"Gardiner Adams" "Homicide" (1964)(episode # 1.449)


Ian Mune - IMDB
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