
Full Name: Viggo Mortensen
Birthdate: Oct 20, 1958
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'11"
Spouse: None
Children: Henry
Biography: Since his screen debut as a young Amish Farmer in Peter Weir's Witness (1985), Viggo Mortensen's career has been marked by a steady string of well-rounded performances. Critics have continually recognized his work in over thirty movies, including such diverse projects as Jane Campion's The Portrait of a Lady (1996), Sean Penn's Indian Runner, The (1991), Brian De Palma's Carlito's Way (1993), Ridley Scott's G.I. Jane (1997), Tony Scott's Crimson Tide (1995), Andrew Davis' A Perfect Murder (1998), Ray Loriga's La Pistola de mi hermano,(1997), and Tony Goldwyn's A Walk on the Moon (1999).
Born in New York to a Danish father and an American mother, Mortensen spent the early part of his childhood in Manhattan. His family traveled a great deal and he spent several years living in Venezuela, Argentina, and Denmark. He began acting in New York, studying with Warren Robertson. He appeared in several plays and movies, and eventually moved to Los Angeles, where his performance in Bent at the Coast Playhouse earned him a Drama-logue Critic's Award. Mortensen is also an accomplished poet, photographer, and painter.
source: Internet Movie Database

Cast in the role of Aragorn

"Aragorn is deeply aware of the burden of his heritage, and he carries the knowledge that, all too soon, he will have to reveal his true self in order to play his part in the fight against Sauron. That burden, that knowledge is what shapes and colours his perceptions." - LotR Official Movie Guide
"There were plenty of reasons not to go. I didn't feel I could do a good job and I didn't want to be away from my son for that length of time. But my son was familiar with the books, he talked about them with his school friends and he knew about the character of Aragorn. He said, 'Oh, that's pretty cool. You should do that.'" - Empire Magazine Australia
"Aragorn is maybe the most physical character in the story, and that's part of who he is; his pyhsical courage or wrecklessness, depending on how you look at it, is part of what gets him through." - lordoftherings.net featurette