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Conclusion Xoanon's Script Review

I do have a few fears. And I am like the rest of you, I hope that these 2 film scripts were doctored and altered in the process of making them into 3 film scripts to add all our favorite scenes. But I certainly hope they take OUT a few things that PJ placed in there for no apparent reason.

One is the Eddie Murphy/White Cops relationship between Gimli and Legolas. In the beginning of the Fellowship they did not like each other. But not in the way Tolkien subtly used the past, and short little references to things in the past, but in more blatant comical terms. It always seems like one is insulting another, and the result is always someone has to hold Gimli back from killing Legolas. And of course in the end, when they are both blood stained in battle and the fighting is over, they are good mates, counting how many orcs they killed. This is NOT how it should be. The depth of the relationship/hatred between Elves and Dwarves is a deep-rooted thing that should not be treated lightly. Tolkien was certainly making analogies to the things in the real world. The deep-rooted hatred between Israelis and Muslims perhaps? And it is true that Legolas and Gimli eventually form a bond of trust and friendship. But not in this way, I'm hoping this gets reworked.

But let me tell you, not all the things PJ 'added' to these scripts are pointless. In fact, I LOVE some of these additions. Which I certainly will not give out. But let me just add this at the end. This is not Tolkien's movie, this is PJ's version of it. If we all had a go we'd do it our way as well no? And here's hoping that the rough patches in the script get worked out as well. But all in all we certainly have nothing to worry about, so just sit back, and enjoy the ride. Middle-earth is coming, and the whole world is about to get swept up in it.

I may be posting more on the scripts. If the interest is high, and people would like to know a bit more. So if you have any questions or comments. Please send them to me.

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