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Past World Event Reports
"The Hobbit" at The Theatre Royal - Bath, England (June 3rd 2000) by Mark Bosanquet-Bryant
"The Hobbit" at the Edinburgh Playhouse (April 15 2000) by Gavin Anderson
The Two Towers at Chicago’s Lifeline Theatre by Trey Long
Company Skylark's stage play of "The Hobbit" (Brisbane) by John Cook
Company Skylark's stage play of "The Hobbit" by Rallas
Company Skylark's stage play of "The Hobbit" by Reservoir Dog
Oxenmoot 99 by Ecthelion
Bree Moot 4/Mythcon XXX by Lobelia
Bree Moot 4/Mythcon XXX by Balin
Bree Moot 4/Mythcon XXX by Corvar

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