Barliman Connection Instructions

PC Instructions

  1. Downloading
  2. Installing
    • Find and open up your mIRC folder.
    • Select 'Install mIRC' and follow the directions.
  3. Setting mIRC to our site
    • Launch mIRC after you have started you internet service provider (a good idea is to minimize the isp screen).
    • Close the greeting screen.
    • Go to the File menu, open it and select the Options menu.
    • You should now see a page called mIRC Options with a menu list on the left side.
    • Open the Connect menu, and you will see a page to input the name of our server and the nickname you wish to use here.
    • Click on the Add button and you will get a window called Add MIRC Server.
    • Fill in the description as you wish, then type in as the server and 6667 as the port. Then close this small window.
    • Fill out the rest of the information in the mIRC Options. It's recommended that you do not use your real name when visiting all chat rooms, and although we set a high standard at Barliman's, it is not an exception to this rule.
  4. Connecting
    • Click on the Connect to Server button.
    • After you connect to the server, a window will pop up called mIRC Channels Folder.
    • Click on the Add button and then type into the field.
    • Click on the Join button, and come join the party!
    • If the Channels Folder window doesn't come up, at the bottom of your mIRC window you should have a message bar for typing your messages.
    • Click on the message bar and type in this: /join
    • Hit enter/return on your keyboard and you should be in!

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