's chatrooms are a place for good conversation about J.R.R. Tolkien's works. We welcome you to our community and ask that you, and all guests, abide by these simple guidelines:
Please be specific to Hall of Fire: Each session focuses on a particular topic, and people understandably get confused and annoyed when someone drops in and asks something totally off topic. We also request you don't use sounds, actions or scripts while Hall of fire is in sesion.
Please be courteous. Boorish behavior will not be tolerated, and we request you do not swear, curse, or harass other guests.
Think before you "speak". Use common sense - this is a world-wide chat, between many cultures and age levels.
Please respect others and their ideas. Be friendly and patient with each other. After all, we are just having fun!
No bots, spamming or flooding! No image banners or advertisements for other sites are permitted.
The op is always right! If your behavior or language is deemed inappropriate by an op,
you will be warned or even removed from the room. Frequent violations may result in you being banned from the channel or even the server.